References and documentation of WOODexpress |
Eurocode 0 |
1990:2002 Basis of structural design |
Eurocode 1,EC1 |
EN 1991-1-1:2002 |
Actions on structures general
actions Densities, self-weight and imposed loads |
EN 1991-1-2:2002 |
Actions on structures general
actions Actions on structures exposed to fire |
EN 1991-1-3:2003 |
Actions on structures general
actions Snow loads |
EN 1991-1- 4:2005 |
Actions on structures general
actions Wind actions |
Eurocode 5, EC5 |
EN 1995-1-1:2004 |
Design of timber structures
General Common rules and rules for buildings |
EN 1995-1-2:2004 |
Design of timber structures
General Structural fire design |
EN 338:1995 |
Structural timber strength
classes |
EN 338:2003 |
Structural timber strength
classes |
EN 1194:2000 |
Glulam - strength classes |
ENV 1991-2-3 |
Actions on structures
Snow loads |
ENV 1991-2-4 |
Actions on structures
Wind actions |
- STEP/Eurofortech, Timber Engineering, Centrum Hout,
Netherlands, 1995 Werner, Holzbau Verlag GmbH, Dusseldorf 1991
- W.M.C. McKenzie, Design of structural timber, Macmillan press
Ltd. 2000.
- Ozelton & J.A. Baird, Timber Designer Manual, Blackwell
Science Ltd, 2000.
- BMF Bygningsbeslag a/s, Danmark.
- Timber Engineering Step 1, Centrum Hout, The Netherlands
- Timber Engineering Step 2, Centrum Hout, The Netherlands
- Atlante del Legno, Natterer Herzog Volz, UTET, 2003
Eurocodes |
Group of standards for
the structural and geotechnical design of buildings and civil engineering works.
These standards is a set harmonised technical rules for civil engineering works, in the
members of the European Community.
The structural Eurocodes are:
Name EuroNorm reference
Eurocode 0: EN1990 Basis of structural design
Eurocode 1: EN1991 Actions on structures
Eurocode 2: EN1992 Design of concrete structures
Eurocode 3: EN1993 Design of steel structures
Eurocode 4: EN1994 Design of composite steel and concrete structures
Eurocode 5: EN1995 Design of timber structures
Eurocode 6: EN1996 Design of masonry structures
Eurocode 7: EN1997 Geotechnical design
Eurocode 8: EN1998 Design of structures for earthquake resistance
Eurocode 9: EN1999 Design of aluminium structures