Software for design of reinforced concrete structures.
retaining walls
corbels and deep beams
section capacity for slabs, beams and columns
strengthening of plates, beams and columns with FRP (fibre
reinforced polymers)
With this program you can very easily design various concrete
components. For each of them, you just specify the basic dimensions, loads and material
properties, and you obtain the detailed concrete design. The dimensioning is according to
Eurocode 2, with supplement of Eurocode 7 for geotechnical analysis (footings, retaining
walls), Eurocode 1 for load combinations, and Eurocode 8 for seismic loading. A combined
detailed report and reinforcing steel schedule is produced for the designed concrete
components. Assumptions and references to design codes are shown in the report. The design
code parameters, as well as default values, can be adjusted by the user. The reinforcing
steel schedule can be edited with a specialised editor which is included. In addition a
set of engineering tools (unit conversion, computation of areas, moments of inertia,
standard steel sections etc.) are included in the program.
Solid slabs and ribbed slabs.
Uniformly distributed dead and live loading.
Load combinations according to Eurocode 2, and Eurocode 1.
Two way slabs with various support conditions.
Marcus solution, with or without torsional resistance.
continuous slabs (up to eight 8 spans). End cantilevers may be specified. Moment
redistribution .
Cantilever slabs.
Moment capacity of concrete slab
cross-sections and sections strengthened with FRP (fibre-reinforced polymers). View more types of concrete slabs
Beams of rectangular or T section. Beams of one span
under combined loading, continuous beams (up to 8 spans) under uniformly distributed
loading, combined loading bending, shear and torsion. Computation of moment capacity of
concrete beam cross-sections and sections strengthened with FRP (fibre-reinforced
Load combinations according to Eurocode 2, and Eurocode 1.
Biaxial bending, isolated column (stability control),
Computation of moment capacity of concrete column cross-sections and sections
strengthened with FRP (fibre-reinforced polymers).
Load combinations according to Eurocode 2, and Eurocode 1.
Centrically loaded columns. Eccentrically loaded footings, and
eccentric footings. Vertical loading and moments at the top. Deal and live loading. Load
combinations according to Eurocode 2, Eurocode 7, and Eurocode 1.
Exact computation of pressure distribution under the footing. Geotechnical design using
Eurocode 7 (EC7), or allowable soil stress.
Retaining walls of gravity or cantilever type
(reinforced). Geotechnical design using Eurocode 7(EC7), or allowable soil stress. Active
and passive earth pressure using Coulomb's theory. Design of gravity walls using Eurocode
6 (EC6) or allowable stresses.
Earthquake analysis according to Eurocode 8 (EC8), Mononobe-Okabe.
Load combinations according to Eurocode 2, Eurocode 7, and Eurocode 1.
Corbels - BracketsShort cantilevers projecting
from column faces, with ac/hc<=1, where ac the load lever arm and hc the
corbel height. Design according to Eurocode 2 � Load combinations according to
Eurocode 2 and Eurocode 1.
Deep beamsDeep beams with dimensions
Leff/h<=2, where Leff length and h
Design according to Eurocode 2
�, using simple strut and tie model. Load combinations according to Eurocode 2,
and Eurocode 1
Steel Schedule
Detailed steel schedule, for the design objects
you select. You can modify and update the steel schedule with a special editor, with ready
steel bar menus.
Report preview
report preview. The reports are very analytical, showing all the computations, with
references to the design code paragraphs. The computational errors, or inadequate
dimensioning, are shown in red.
Parameters-Design Rules
You can select various combinations of design codes.
for reinforced concrete: Eurocode 2 (EC2) or
National Code
for geotechnical design: Eurocode 7 (EC7) or
Allowable stresses
for gravity type retaining walls (gravity
stone or concrete walls): Eurocode 6 (EC) or Allowable stresses.
The code parameters, as well as default
values can be adjusted by the user.
On line help
A complete on line help assist the user for the
required data, as well as references to the corresponding code subjects, as well as
theoretical overview.