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A program for designing floating marinas, breakwaters and bridges
Dynamic analysis of long floating marine structures
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Documentation following the software cgFLOAT

  1. General directions, examples
  2. Relevant publications
    • CGFLOAT A computer program for the dynamic analysis of floating bridges and breakwaters, C Georgiadis
    • CGHYDRO a boundary element program for the computation of hydrodynamic forces on long floating structures, C Georgiadis
    • Time and frequency domain analysis of marine structures in short-crested se by simulating appropriate nodal loads, C Georgiadis,
    • Finite element modeling of the response of long floating structures under harmonic excitation, C Georgiadis,
    • Modelling boat wake loading on long floating structures, C Georgiadis
  3. Notation, and structural model (chapter 2)
    • Report for Program FLOAT
  4. Hydrodynamic coefficients (chapter 3)
  5. Spatial correlation factor (chapter 4)
  6. Frequency and Time Domain Analysis (chapter 5,6,7,8,)
  7. Example of breakwater
  8. More on Wave Coherence
  9. Text input for the Program cgFLOAT
  10. References
  1. Georgiadis, C. Wave induced vibrations of continuous floating structures, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, May 1981
  2. Georgiadis, C. Hydrodynamic forces on long floating structures in directional wave fields, Report, SINTEF STF7l-A8JOO7, Trondheim, Norway, May 1983
  3. Georgiadis, C. and Hartz, B. J. Wave coherence along continuous floating structures for directional spectral models, Report, SINTEF, STF7l-A82004, Trondheim, Norway, March 1982
  4. Georgiadis, C. Nodal force modelling in random continuous loading, Report, SINTEF, STF7l-A820l0, Trondheim, Norway, June 1982
  5. Georgiadis, C. and Hartz, B. J. A computer program for the dynamic analysis of continuous floating structures in short crested waves, Report, Civil Engineering Department, No.74, University of Washington, Seattle, Apri11982
  6. Georgiadis, C. and Hartz, B. J. A boundary element program for the computation of three dimensional hydrodynamic coefficients, Int. Conf. Finite Element Methods, Shanghai, China, 2-6 August 1982, pp. 487-492
  7. Georgiadis, C. WINDWAV. A computer program for the prediction of wind generated waves in restricted fetch regions, Report, unpublished, Seattle, 1981
  8. Heavner, J. P. Limited fetch spectral models for wind waves at a site on Elliot Bay, University of Washington, Seattle, 1981
  9. Georgiadis, C. A computer program for time series analysis, matrix operations and data manipulation, 3rd Int. Conf. and Exh. on Eng. Software, London, 11-13 Apri11983, pp. 209-223.

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